CV speakers
Professor Christopher Bovis, JD, MPhill, LLM, FRSA is Professor of International and European Business at the Univerity of Hull.
Professor Bovis is an international leading authority in public procurement and public private partnerships. He specializes in all areas of European Business Law, anti-trust law and policy, with particular emphasis on public sector management.
He advises national governments in public sector reforms and he has acted on behalf public sector and industry on numerous high profile projects. He has been instrumental in structuring flagship public-private partnership in the UK, EU and overseas.
He has published extensively in international legal and management journals and he has produced numerous monographs and articles on European and international business subjects.
Roberto Caranta is professor in Administrative Law at the University of Turin (Italy) and works mainly on public procurement with focuses on SPP and on remedies, EU and administrative comparative law with focus on judicial protection. Coordinator of Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems - SAPIENS - International Training Network (SAPIENS-ITN - H2020 - MSCA ITN: Grant 956696 ).
With Steen Treumer he funded the European Procurement Law Group ( ) and edits the European Procurement Law Series, first DJØF, Copenhagen and now with Edward Elgar. Professeur invité at the Universities of Marseille - Aix-en-Provence (2016) and Lyon 3 (2023).
Vice President of the Procurement Review Board of the European Space Agency - ESA.
He has drafted studies and conducted training for various UN and EU institutions. He has authored and edited many books and more than 200 works.
Marko Turudić is an associate professor at the Department of Administrative Law, University of Zagreb Faculty of Law. The subject of his scientific interest is primarily administrative procedure and administrative dispute, regulatory agencies, public procurement, regulation of electronic communications and other network industries.
He teaches at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, the Study Center for Public Administration and Public Finance, and the Study Center for Social Work. At the Faculty of Law, he introduced “Regulation of Electronic Communications” and “Public Procurement” as elective courses, as well as a series of lifelong education courses on the same topics. He is the mentor of two doctoral theses in public procurement law, and is the national correspondent of the European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review.
He is the author of over 60 scientific and professional papers and four books;
- “Public procurement law” (Narodne Novine 2017)
- “Commentary on the Law on Public Procurement” (Zgombić and partners 2018)
- “Media Law in Croatia” (Turudić, M., Lisičar, H., Kluwer 2019)
- “Cohesion policy of the European Union through national bodies and procedures” (Narodne novine 2023)
Petr Jedlička is Head of Unit within 2nd Instance Decision making Department and secretary of the appellate comission at the Office for the Protection of Competition, Czech Republic.
Here is a brief overview of his carrier:- 2016-2018 Articled law clerk (specialization: contract law)
- 2018-2020 Officer of 2nd Instance Decision-Making Department and secretary of the appellate comission
- 2020 - now Head of unit within 2nd Instance Decision-Making Department and secretary of the appellate comission
- 2022, 2023 Lecturer at Masaryk University (subject: Public Procurement Law).
Salvatore is a lawyer by profession. He graduated from the University Roma II Tor Vergata (1989). He obtained his Degrees in International Politics (1992) and in European Law (2000) at the Brussels University (ULB).
Salvatore joined the European Commission in 1992 where, as Policy Officer in the Directorate-General Internal Market, was in charge of services users' rights, electronic commerce and television.
In 2004 he became Deputy Head of Unit "Services 2" where he took part in negotiations of the proposal of Directive on Services (Bolkestein) and various actions in specific sectors (pharmacy, retailing, oil stations, gambling, privatisations, sport, tourism).
In February 2009 he took up duties of Head of Unit "Passenger rights” in DG for Mobility & Transport.
In January 2012 Salvatore was appointed as Head of Unit for "Food and healthcare industries".
As of June 2015, he held the position of Head of Unit for "Health technology and cosmetics", where he notably negotiated the EU legislative reform of the medical devices sector.
Since March 2021, he serves as Head of Unit for "Enforcement - Goods, Services to Consumers, Public Procurement, Late Payments” in the DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, ensuring compliance and implementation of Commission enforcement policy, dealing with legal matters and infringements.
dr. Balázs Bakos is Head of Department for the Control of Contracts at Public Procurement Authority, Hungary
Here is a brief overview of his carrier:
23/09/2014 -30/12/2014 Legal, public procurement officer, National Employment Office
31/12/2014 - 22/02/2015 Legal, public procurement officer, Ministry for National Economy
23/02/2015 - 14/03/2016 Secretary of the Arbitration Board, Public Procurement Authority - Public Procurement Arbitration Board
15/03/2016 - 16/07/2017 Deputy Head of Department for the Control of Contracts, Public Procurement Authority
As of 17/07/2017 Acting Head of Department for the Control of Contracts, Public Procurement Authority
As of 01/11/2018 Head of Department for the Control of Contracts, Public Procurement Authority
His main publications:
The contract control activity of the Public Procurement Authority - dr. Balázs Bakos, Public Procurement Bulletin Plus, 2019. Vol. I, No. 6.
Issues of contract control - From road reconstruction to the Curia of Hungary, Part I. - dr. Balázs Bakos, Public Procurement Bulletin Plus, 2022. Vol. IV, No. 6.
Issues of contract control - From road reconstruction to the Curia of Hungary, Part II. - dr. Balázs Bakos, Public Procurement Bulletin Plus, 2023. Vol. V, No. 4.
Controlling the performance and amendment of public procurement contracts - The Control of Public Procurement, Dr. Balázs Bakos, Dr. András Berethalmi, Dr.Tibor Kugler, Dr. Beáta Lipták, Dr. Bianka Végh-Berta, Published by: Bational University of Public Service; Public Administration Training Institute, 2021.
Natacha Otte Widgren is Deputy Head of Unit at the Procurement Supervision Unit at the Swedish Competition Authority (SCA) since 2022.
Here is a brief overview of her carrier:
2016-2021 Legal Counsel at the Legal and Litigation Unit (SCA).
2013-2016 Legal advisor Ministry for Foreign Affairs, representing the Swedish Government in the Court of Justice of the European Union.
2012-2013 Legal advisor Prime Minister's Office.
2005-2007 Junior judge at the Administrative Court.
2008-2012 Associate judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal in Stockholm.
Anna Görgård is legal counsel at the Legal and Litigation Unit at the Swedish Competition Authority since 2019.
Her tasks involve, inter alia, supporting Procurement Supervision Unit’s investigations regarding procuring entities’ compliance with relevant public procurement legislation and managing legal proceedings in administrative courts concerning procurement fines.
Here is a brief overview of her carrier:
2021-2022 Interim Deputy Head of Unit Procurement Supervision Unit
2016-2018 Senior Adviser Procurement Supervision Unit
2008-2015 Senior Associate Advokatfirman Törngren Magnell
2012 Membership in the Swedish Bar Association
2006-2008 Security Analyst at Philip Morris International.